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Writer's Update - Meridian Saga Continues!

I wanted to take a moment to provide a writer's update everyone on where I am at with my series – The Wars of Meridian. As a reminder, I have finished the first in the series (Godmarked), and have had it copy edited by close friends and family. In the meantime, I have been continuing the story into the sequel, titled Three Queens. So what’s next?  

The edits and suggestions made have been adjusted – and Godmarked is ready for what’s next. As I had mentioned in a previous post, it is my intention to pitch the novel to Literary Agents in the interest in gaining a partner in the journey for publication. Because my novel is above standard length (largely due to the scale of it), it’s going to take a bold agent to pick it up. I have stewed over the reduction of my word count, and currently still believe I have an exciting, solid plot line that I can pitch regardless. What I am going to focus on is reducing redundancy and verbosity throughout while maintaining depth. 

Oddly enough, just as I began the motion of seeking publication, I met another local writer who has been going through a similar experience. We share many things in common, and he was gracious enough to review some of my pitch material. Based on his recommendations, I have work to do to improve the query letter and synopsis for Godmarked. I have homework to do!  

After the necessary changes are made, I will return to researching literary agents accepting submissions. There are many different avenues that I want to approach – but my hope is that I can pitch not only Godmarked, but also the opportunity to make a brand around The Wars of Meridian as a whole. IE, I am introducing a new world in which readers can dive into. They can build off it and align themselves with it. Which is my way of saying that I think I can sell some seriously awesome merch lines – and I would hope that the fantasy community could build games, stories, and screenplays around Meridian and the creatures I have created. 

Regarding my sequel - I have a litany of ideas about where to take Three Queens. I adore the three-act plot structure – and I am slowly wrapping up my introductory act; I have nearly set the stage for the action yet to come. A sequel, and the second book in a trilogy specifically, is a crescendo. I’ve been enjoying the ups and downs because I know that this is pulling my story to the finale. It’s far away from me – but I can already hear it in my head. French horns, drums, and an eruption of light. 

A mountain in the mist
Within the obscurity is thrill - and in clarity there is not. The future of my story comes to life as I walk it.

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